: to display by a method in which a large amount of material is packaged into standardized containers. ... The art, activities, and ideas inside and outside my brain.


WallPaper at Teton Art Lab, Jackson Wy

My latest endeavors include the following:

A show at Teton Art Lab, Wall Paper

and a catalogue i designed for a show i was in at the detroit industrial projects: CENTRIFUGAL FORCE

Mara Baker
Emily Lyman
Katie Hinton
Abbie Miller
Masafumi Yukimoto

curated by Madeline Stillwell

you can check it out and purchase it from Blurb, an awesome publishing co.


opening at teton art lab

Recently i had my opening at teton artlab in jackson, wy.  the gallery is super cool, run by 3 hip young locals who are passionate about showing contemporary art in jackson.  the opening was a great opportunity to share my work with my community here and chat about my ideas... but finally with sculptures for people to relate to.

my friends michael bills aka 'fudgaritas' and joey deluca made all the drinks and food.  it definitely made a vibrant atmosphere.

the artlab is currently in the process of transforming itself into a non-profit, which is really exciting news.  i'm on the board as a co-curator and am really anxious to coordinate local and emerging artists abroad through some (hopefully) progressive exhibition themes. the art scene in jackson is still fighting it's way through a lot of tourism and money markets that make it hard to show art for arts sake, but artlab is joining the ranks of a select few (like one other non-profit, and 2 contemporary galleries).  beauty, and all the philosophical debates it spawns, is i believe an important part of life and art... but it's time for jacksonites to be pushed to redefine, question and ponder the nature of beauty and art.  and mainly, to get the opportunity most are dying for- to see some new and exciting work that pushes the boundaries of creativity.


Upcoming exhibition at Teton Art Lab


This exhibition features sculptural work I have completed in the last year.  It is a further investigation into my zipper sculptures and my ongoing fascination with vinyl.